Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

Storytelling Text : The Pirates of Rhio (by Alyajung)

Welcome to my blog ^^
Kali ini Hello Bubble mau share Storytelling text nih. Ide ceritanya dapet dari browsing terus diolah lagi deh kata - katanya #yaterus-_- oke, ada banyak character di sini guys, jadi buat teller harus pinter - pinter mbagi suara dan ekspresinya. Berikut characternya :

a. Kebo Ireng (The Pirates)
b. Rahim 
c. Normah
d. The King (Normah's Father)
e. Kebo Ireng's men
f. The Chineseheadman
g. The Chineseman

Dan berikut text-nya, semoga bermanfaat, Happy Reading ^^

The Pirates of Rhio

Once upon time there was an Island called The Rhio Islands. The Rhio Islands was a group of small Islands thirty miles south from Singapore. Over a hundred year ago, a gang of pirates from Borneo decided to hide there. Their captain called Kebo Ireng, he was very big and had a dark skin.

                “ Isn’t easy to land, the king of Rhio is verystrict and he has a lot of man to help him. Let’s disguise ourselves as traders from Johore! “ said Kebo Ireng.

                “Aye!! “ shouted Kebo Ireng's men.

The next morning, the pirates approached the shore when the king was waiting for them.

                “Where do you come from?” asked The King.

                “ We are traders from Johore, we’ve some clothes and lace we’d like to sell.” Kebo Ireng said.

Because the king had a pretty daughter, Normah, who was looking for some cothes and lace to make a wedding dress, he admited them to land.
So, the pirates landed with their weapons hidden under their shirt. Ina flash, they seized the king and held sword at his throat.
               “ Haha, I catch the king.. I catch the kingg.. Look, look, look, if any of you try to move, we’ll kill the king!! Men, lock the villagers in the store, I’ll held this king in the other side, hahahaha!”

                “ Aye, captain. Come on! Move! Hurry up!! “

But secretly, Normah tried to ran away from the back of the house but she was easily caught by Kebo Ireng’s men.

                “ Whoahahahaha, where will you go? “ Kebo Ireng’s man walked closer.
                “Huh.. huh.. huh.. “ Normah panic.

And Kebo Ireng's men catched Normah.

                “ Captain.” said Kebo Ireng's men who brought Normah to his captain.
                “ Whoho, look! Pretty girl, I’m looking for a wife, would you like to marry me? “ asked Kebo Ireng.
                “ In your dream, jerk pirates! Go to hell !” said Normah.
                “ Shut her up! “

But the pirates didn’t know that Rahim, Normah’s husbnad to be had seen everything that had happened. Without waiting a minute longer, he jumped into his boat and sailed for Singapore for asked help. Soon he arrived at Tanjung Rhu and was surrounded by a fisherman.

                “ Acha, acha, you’d better come with us to see The Chinese Headman , acha. The chief of the Island.” Said the fisherman.
                “ All right, thanks for help.”

And then they sailed for Singapore together. Soon they arrived at Singapore and reported their information to The Chinese Headman. When The Chinese Headman heard their report he said,

                “ Haiya, it’s terrible , Ma. The pirates must be stop, Ma. I think I shall ask our Chinese friends to help. I will discuss a plan with them.”

Beforedawn the next morning, a Chinese junk left Singapore for Rhio. Soon, they arrived at Rhio then the Chinese Headman shouted out to the pirates who were guarding the beach.

                “ Can I speak to the king, Ma?”

                “ I’m the king, what do you want? “ Kebo Ireng came forward.

                “ We’re on our way to Singapore, Ma. One of my officers died at sea. He begged us riot to bury him at sea as he wanted to be buried near famous chinese temple on this Island. Don’t worry about money, Ma. We have plenty of gold on board, Cha. If you can allow us to land, I shall give you a big reward, Ma.”

                “ Hmm, all right you can land, but you must come ashore with all your sailors. My men will guard your ship and the gold.”

                “ Thanks, Ma.”

So, the Chinese Headman rowed ashore in a boat with Rahim, ten of his men and a coffin. But, suddenly..

                “ Stop! Are you carrying any arms? " asked Kebo Ireng to the Chineseman.

                “ We are merchants, Ma” said The Chineseman.

                “ I don’t believe you, Men! Search them all! “ shouted Kebo Ireng.

                “ Aye, Captain” said the men.”There’s no weapon, Captain.”

                “ All right, you can land”

Then, the Chinese landed but, what happened?

                “ Let’s seize their ship! “ Kebo Ireng shouted
                “ Ayeee!! “

But the pirates didn’t knew that there was a trap on the Chinese junk. Before they knew what had happened, they seized by The Chinese and a short fight began.

                “ Men, Now!! “

In the middle of the fight, led by Rahim, he set free the king with the Chinese.

                “ Are you okay? “

                “ Praise be to god you come in time. The pirates a re going to kill me and my daughter.”

                “ I’m glad hear that, Normah, I’ll set free the villagers now. Keep yourselves.”

Then he set free the villagers. Not a long minute later, the pirates lost and ran away from Rhio. By this time, the king thanked to The Chinese and Rahim for saved his life. Then he invited them all to a big feast. Rhio Island cameback to normally life. And what happened with Rahim and Normah? They were get married and live together happily ever after.

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